Enjoy 2013 with Girls' Generation's Comeback!

It's about time! The long awaited return is back! We all waited for their comeback for so long, and after releasing teaser videos, teaser photos and such stuff, we're all excited to see the new style of SNSD (Girls' Generation). Recently, SM Entertainment released teaser photos regarding Girls' Generation's comeback, the title was named "I Got A Boy" with Korea's national flower, as it's symbol. Days had passed and SME posted more photos about Girls' Generation's 4th and newest album. The style and icon are very much unique, unlikely amazing and very colorful. An update about SoShi said that their song "I Got A Boy" is a very catchy song, and it is a very different song alongside the other songs they had. The album too, is unlike the past albums. "Dancing Queen", a Music Video posted by SME on Youtube week ago is a clue about this whole excitement. The music video was made last 2008, and the song was a remake of Duffy's song "Mercy". The song itself is very cute and makes everyone groove, if you would also notice, the music video itself is very related to Girls' Generation's song "Gee" with matching jeans and blouses, colored jeans and cute shirts. Anyways, let's go back to the main part of the excitement. Teaser photos of SNSD's newest album "I Got A Boy" were all fantastic! The members themselves showed a different side of them as they go along with the days making us fans alert with more updates. I mean check it out above man! Those teaser photos were all great! I can't wait until January 1, where their comeback special is entitled "Romantic Fantasy" and it will be aired in 3 major Korean channels on Korean Standard Time. This, is a very awesome gift this 2013. And I bet this album will top the charts again! So, stay tuned!
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